My weekend started out quite water for a little over an hour and a half....STILL no cell phone service from AT&T....and too much schedule juggling. Whew....but, thankfully that one moment in time was no indication of how great the weekend would end up. :)
I've still had zero reactions to my no makeup and now, I'm kind of over it all. I guess I'm not really looking for any. I feel like I'm more receptive to others, more attentive to things around me so I'm less focusing on what others are thinking about me and more towards how others are feeling.
I had a great date with my Andrew Friday evening. We enjoy each others company so much!! I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone I didn't want to spend time with. He truly completes me. We had dinner and then purchased a couple movies we hadn't seen. The first movie was 'Cloud Atlas'. It was very unusual but so good!!! This movie showed how when we love others, our actions spark other actions that we may or may not ever see in our lifetimes, but all of these actions are connected throughout time. Our spirits may pass from body to body, but the love never changes. It was such an intense movie that I know I will need to watch it again to be sure I get it all. This movie definitely made us smile, laugh, cry and think. It is amazing to me just how important love truly is in each of our lives and daily interactions. This movie opened my eyes a bit wider to really see how one act or one kindness done in love truly goes full circle and never dies. Our second movie was 'P.S. I love you'. I have to say...I LOVED this movie!!! It made me cry on several occasions. The love portrayed was so touching and real, it reminded me of my own relationship. There were so many beautiful moments in the movie....true moments about true love and the depths of true love. Both movies, as different as they are, are so very much the same. They both showed how, no matter what happens in this life, love will never change or cease to exist. Love is what it is truly all about. Without love we have nothing. I am reminded of a great Beatles lyric, "and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." If we give love and show love, we will be given and shown love in return.
This weekend culminated last night with me and my husband watching the Grammy's on television. It was a fairly good show up until about 10:30, that's when it became amazing, beautiful and inspiring. During a Macklemore and Lewis performance of "Same Love", 33 couples exchanged wedding vows and were united as married couples. The couples were same sex, opposite sex, interracial, you name brought me to tears. This amazing event showed that its really all about love. We need to stop judging, stop hating, stop turning the other cheek....and we need to start loving...truly, deeply, sincerely loving each other despite the differences we 'think' we have. Seeing the true beauty within and loving that is what 'true love' is all about.
Buddha said it well when he said, "hatred is never ended by hatred but by love." Just love.
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